Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Critical Questioning

As iam sitting here at my computer, typing up this entry for my blog, i start to think about should i write. what will be the premise, the gist, the purpose behind what iam writing.... and then like a ray of sunlight beaming upon me, clearing the dark clouds of writers block, the idea dawns upon me, Critical Questioning.... that will be the topic of discussion... the ability to utilize a way of thinking that causes you to question every aspect, every detail, every possible outcome of any situation. we use critical questioning more often than we realize, whenever we begin to compare and contrast things against each other, that is a form of critical questioning. for instance; lets say you went into a sneaker store and you see two different pairs of sneakers you really wanted to buy, but they have two different prices, and made by two different manufacturers, now you start to think "Hmmm, which one should i choose ?" you begin to weigh the pro's and the cons of what each pair of sneakers has to offer, as far as style, comfortability, durability, level of maintenance, etc. then you look at the price, and you may ask yourself ; "Are these sneakers worth this price ?", as you are continuously contemplating about which sneaker to purchase, your level of critical questioning begins to increase, you begin to think and question as far as how well the sneakers will accessorize with your wardrobe, how many outfits can you waer with that particular sneaker, etc. , after you've asked all the questions you could possibly ask, and analyzed everything, you're ready to make your decision. although there are plethora of other things to question critcally in life, nonetheless its important that you understand the value, and usage of Critical Questioning. its in our nature as humans to be curious, and inquisitive about things, but what separates intellectual people from average people is their ability to use Critical Questioning to produce Critical Thinking which leads them to make better decisions. whenever your feeling tired, or lazy, take the time to use ur brain's energy to think and question "Why am i tired ?", "Why am i feeling lazy ?", "Why do i prefer not to work, and play all day ?", be persistent, and relentless in your questioning of something until u can question it no more. if you look at the word QUESTION, what other word do you see ? look at the prefix of the word, QUEST-(ion), and think about it.... a QUESTion is a QUEST for knowledge, you QUESTion an issue when your looking or QUESTing for knowledge (answer) of that issue.....

According to Merriam Webster's dictionary Qestion is defined as;
1) An interrogative expression often used to test knowledge
2) An interrogative sentence or clause
3) A subject or aspect in dispute or open for discussion>(Issue, Problem, Matter)
4) To interrogate intensively>(Cross-examine)

And Quest is defined as;
1) An act or instance of seeking>(Pursuit, Search)
2) To search for
3) To ask for

Now that i've established the connection beteween those two words, you should have a better understanding of what questioning really is. once you begin to utilize the Critical Questioning technique, you will increase your cognitive ability to process and understand situations in a variety of ways, and you will also learn how to make well informed decisions based on this technique and thats Real Talk....

"To Question Is To Learn, To Learn Is To Know, and To Know Is To Be Powerful"
(Original Quote)

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