Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Ten Rockefeller Comamndments....

In order to fully understand what this system of strongly structured principles and convictions are about, lets us first analyze and understand what is belief ?! what does it mean to believe in something ?!

Merriam Webster defines Belief as :

1: a state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing

2: something believed, especially a tenet (principle) or body of tenets held by a group

3: conviction of the truth of some statement or the reality of some being or phenomenon especially when based on examination of evidence


Faith, Credence, Credit

-Belief may or may not imply certitude (state of certainty) in the believer

"My belief that I had caught all the errors"

-Faith almost always implies certitude even where there is no evidence or proof

"An unshakable faith in God"

Based upon that definiton of Belief, i will provide a detailed analysis of what i think about the principles of "The Ten Rockefeller Comandments"

"I Believe in the supreme worth of the individual and in his right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

-Ok, ideally this sounds like something any right minded individual would agree to. everybody is worth something, whether their worth is of great or little value, tangible or intangible, regardless everybody has some level of worth. now how worthy that person is decides on how much effort and hard work they invest to increase their worth. everybody has a right to live, have liberty, and pursue what makes them happy. and unless they prove otherwise by committing some sort of heinous crime such as murder or rape

"I believe that every right implies a responsibility; every opportunity, an obligation; every possession, a duty."

-The direct realtionship between the each of the words listed in this "commandment" implies that balance is key to success, the old addage "You Cant Get One Without The Other" applies to this commandment. if you look closely and read the words and understand what they mean, then you will realize the point iam trying to make.

"I believe that the law was made for man and not man for the law; that government is the servant of the people and not their master."

-True, very true, i agree... the purpose of our government is to serve the people, but also we have to realize that the government is operated by people like me and you, so in order for a good productive government to be established, we need good productive people to operate it.

"I believe in the dignity of labor, whether with head or hand; that the world owes no man a living but that it owes every man an opportunity to make a living."

-Our country was built from hard labor, over 400 years worth (if you catch my drift), without hard labor we wouldnt be able to enjoy the luxury and practicality of the resources we have at our disposal now. the world is like a big canvas and we have the ability put nearly anything we can imagine on it, so based on that yes the world does provide ample space and opportunity to make a livng doing whatever we please

"I believe that thrift is essential to well ordered living and that economy is a prime requisite of a sound financial structure, whether in government, business or personal affairs."

-Thrift as defined by the merriam-webster dictionary means " Healthy and Vigorous Growth" or "Careful Management Especially of Money" so by that definition this is very true, without careful management of money in an economy or even in your personal life, will lead to problematic situations that will be hard to control, be mindful of how u spend ur money

"I believe that truth and justice are fundamental to an enduring social order."

-Truth and justice important elements to create any type of establishment where social interaction takes place, but how much these elements are actually practiced, is another story....some people play a conniving game of cutthroat to ascend to a higher level of success, indiscriminate of who they take down in their path.

"I believe in the sacredness of a promise, that a man’s word should be as good as his bond; that character — not wealth or power or position — is of supreme worth."

-This principle touches base on the ideal of possessing an intangible self worth that is greater than any type of financial worth or power authority. this principle is no different from the beliefs of what street hustlers and drug dealers believe in, your word is your bond, as Al Pacino said in the hood cult classic, Scarface; "All I have in this world is MY BALLS and MY WORD and I DON'T BREAK THEM FOR NO ONE." and thats Real Talk.......

"I believe that the rendering of useful service is the common duty of mankind and that only in the purifying fire of sacrifice is the dross of selfishness consumed and the greatness of the human soul set free."

-Dross as defined by Merriam-Webster's dictionary is (1) The scum that forms on the surface of molten metal, (2) Waste or foreign matter (3) Something that is base, trivial, or inferior. I agree with contributing some sort of beneficial service, or deed to better a community/soceity etc., and help it grow, i agree that the more a person takes part in contributing these types of deeds, personal selfishness will be less prevalent, but it will not be completely rid of, i personally believe there if there's ever a time when a person's life depended on it, personal selfishness would automatically kick in because it is our human nature to fight to survive, not sacrifice ourselves, hence the term "Survival Of The Fittest, sacrifice is based on will not nature

"I believe in an all-wise and all-loving God, named by whatever name, and that the individual’s highest fulfillment, greatest happiness, and widest usefulness are to be found in living in harmony with His will."

-This one is tricky for me particularly because iam not a religious person, iam undecided, i cant confirm or deny the presense of a higher power, but regardless, i can agree to the latter part of this principle which says " The Indiviual's Highest Fulfillment, Greatest Happiness, and Widest Usefulness Are To Be Found In Living Harmony With His Will", if u really think about it this is true, accomplishment of goals (minor or major), can lead to broad based productivity (the more you know the more you can produce), which can lead to happiness because you have confidence in your abilities and you are empowered by your knowledge, your status is up to par, as a end result of all those things leading in succession, it synchronizes with the power of your will.... which means that all of what you gained thru your knmowledge and accomplishments as an individual, was made possible by your will power, your desire to want more from life

"I believe that love is the greatest thing in the world; that it alone can overcome hate; that right can and will triumph over might."

-Love is a splendid thing, its a powerful emotion that is shared among many people that induces happiness, kindness, affection, and a host of other emotional feelings that are inexplicable, althoght love can overcome hate (in some cases) love can also blind you from reasoning, and rationale, it can lead you to make poor decisions which can negatively effect the outcome of certain circumstances that require only cognitive reasoning, and rationale, without emotional influence, such as business. this principle also states that right "Can and Will Triumph Over Might" i diasgree with that, solely because if my might is stronger and more powerful than whats deemed to be right, then i win, one person's right can be another person's wrong, it happens in business all the time, if my corporation is bigger and more lucrative than yours, i have the power to take over your corporation, and take all your customers and put you out of business without a crumb left on ur plate.... is that morally right ?! no.... but its right for my interest and my corporation, my might to make money was bigger than your right to eat....

"Thoughts ?"

-yeah, i got some final thoughts i would like to share, i find it ironic that a ruthless business tycoon such as John D. Rockefeller would comprise a list of principles or "commandments" that expresses the righteousness and nobility of a saint... i suppose in the business world, the best way to succeed is to stab your opponent in the back wearing a velvet glove..... which means that you have to present yourself as courteous and kind as possible to throw your opponent off balance which symbolizes the "the velvet glove" meanwhile your strategizing to to gain dominance and power over your opponent which symbolizes "stabbing your opponent in the back".... regardless, survival of the fittest ultimately prevails in society, and if ur not mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually fit to survive then u will perish... and thats Real Talk....

"We Can See Only As Far As Our Mind Allows Us To, The More You Know The Further You Can See Into Your Future" -(Original Quote)

1 comment:


Dog, you went in!!!!!!!! I can't read it all today. But I will be posting this on my blog as a new post. And I will be bigging up your blog. My next haircut is approaching and we will be making you blog look better.


I will be responding.