Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Void Of Loneliness......

What does it really mean to be lonely ? what is loneliness ? why does it make us feel gloomy, depressed and unfulfilled ? these are the questions that are racing through my mind as i ponder my own state of loneliness. as a young upcomming successful black man, the idea of imtimate committment with a woman is not feasble for me at this point. i have too many things to focus my energy on besides trying to make a committment work and then become depressed after it doesnt turn out well, even though this is true, if i find a woman i feel is right for me, then i wouldnt have mind attempting a committment with that woman, the chances of finding the right woman are slim and few. but how do we ever know if there is a right person for us ? do we base that on compatibility ? do-ability (what that person can do for you) ? or both ? before i go any further with this train of thought, allow me to revert back to my original thesis, what is loneliness ? Merriam-Webster's dictionary defines Loneliness as;

1a. Being without company : Lone

b. Cut off from others : Solitary

2. Not frequented by human beings : Desolate

3. Sad from being alone : Lonesome

4. Producing a feeling of bleakness or desolation

everybody has experience this at some point in their lives, whether it resulted from a loss of someone or something we cared for, or a lack of resource (money, personal connections, etc.). i personally believe i been suffering from lonliness due to lack of female companionship. i have many friends, i have a few close friends, iam making money (not alot but still something), iam recieving an education, i have goals and aspirations for my life, and i live in a household with 4 other people (2 younger brothers, and both parents), but yet i feel unfulfilled, unsatisfied, and gloomy. I believe it is our human nature to want a close imtimate connection with somebody so we can thrive from it, and satisfy our emotional desire for companionship. being lonely feels depressing, and miserable. although you may be preoccupied with a host of other issues at hand, and you may know alot of people. at the end of the day, when your all alone, and you dont have nobody to share your feelings with, and fulfill your emotional desires, you will be left feeling all alone. the old addage "Money Cant Buy Happiness" is very true, no matter how wealthy you are, when your at the top of your game it can get lonely up there if your're by yourself. every king needs a queen and vice versa. simply because they satisfy each others intangible desires that cant be quench by the influx of royalty and riches. i also believe that being alone and independent can make you stronger and through time you will grow accustomed to being alone, but regardles, theres nothing like having the joy of sharing yourself with a special person who completes you, and reciprocates the same feelings you feel for them. now the catch-22 with this and just about all other aspect in life is if you look for companionship, it will never come, if you let nature take it course than guide the way, it will eventually lead to where you need to be and you will get what you desire. we go through things in life for reason, it is our purpose to learn from it, adapt and proceed with our lives. loneliness can be of those types of things that we have to go through in order to realize and learn how to appreciate the things in life, and not take things for granted. for example when you somebody in your life and you aknowledge their presence, but you dont appreciate them or you negatively take advantage of them, when its not there anymore and you begin feeling sad. lonely and depressed, it causes you to appreciate what you once had with that person. another purpose loneliness can serve is to teach you the importance of will power and self control. for example, when you're lonely, your emotions are being deprived of something that is essential to its gratification, if you are able use your loneliness as a way to channel your focus and will power towards something more productive, you will not only increase your level of productivity, you can cause yourself to build self control over your emotions and utilizing your will power effectively. so loneliness can have a positive effect on you depending on how you percieve it and use it. in conclusion, the subject of loneliness leaves much room for discussion and thoughts to be shared upon it, no matter what your perspective is on loneliness, ultimately, there is a general fact that remains true among all who has experienced it or is currently experiencing it, which is, loneliness sucks...!!! and thats Real Talk....

"I Will Unsheathe The Power Of My Destiny Like An Excalibur Sword Ready For Battle And Use My Mind As A Compass To Humbly Follow The Prodigious Footsteps Of The Masters Who Came Before Me..."
(Original Quote)

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